48 thoughts on “Don’t Skip The “Golden 6” Exercises

  1. I don't see the benefit versus the risk in having your average Joe do deadlifts that absolutely goes for an overhead press as well then again you are a physical therapist so I'm sure you like to stay in business

  2. 100% agree with this selection! That said, not many people can do a weighted pull-up so I don’t know why you added the word “weighted”. It just should be pull up whether it’s waited or not. I love that you added the barbell curl. I’ve never seen anyone with good arms who didn’t do them.

  3. The only 10 exercises I do:
    1) Incline Bench Press
    2) Weighted Dips
    3) Weighted Pullups
    4) Dumbbell Row
    5) Dumbbell Lunge or Bulgarian Split Sqauts cuz normal sqauts hurt my knees
    6) RDLs
    7) Overhead Press
    8) Lateral Raises
    9) Bicep Curl
    10) Forearm Curl

  4. Correct but the stable variations are better.
    1) Lat Pulldown
    2) Smith Machine Bench Press
    3) Leg Press, Hack Squat, Smith Machine Squat
    4) Smith Machine Romanian/Stiff Deadlift
    5) Machine Overhead Press
    6) Preacher Curl

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